As a team we are proud to introduce to everyone to our contest winner Ms. Rodica Cocieru!
Rodica did an amazing job submitting her application to us via email and impressed us with the shoots she sent in! However, that does not mean the rest of the submissions we got were not good either, they were all fun to read and so much to pick from! We just want to thank everyone who entered to win the contest to become The Wild Call Next Top Model! We all had a ball shooting this on set. Everyone participated equally and we all had some laughs! Special thanks go out to the one and only photographer my good friend
Raquel Da Silva who may I say did a heck of a great job! And of course to our make up artist and hair dresser who applied a soft look on Rodica for this shoot, Ms. Cailtin Andrew.
You can see more of the shoots on Raquel Da Silva's website and just remember these shoots are also part of The
Material World blog so keep an eye open there as well!
As for now, maybe next month or so we'll have another contest who knows, be ready girls or I might even let boys enter this time too! Mhh til next time ciaos!